The Cup of Dlef ?ink. comes and tells us, well, notwithftanding all this, you !hall be received to mercy ; goe, Take, this is my body which is given for you : I fay, this would move an in- genuous difpofition : You know Mary Magdalen was moved with this, when fhc was filch a firmer, and faw that God had received her in that manner, that melted her heart ; fo that fhe warred his feet with her teares So Mould wee be affected, if we did ferioufly con. Eider the greatneffe of C I a i s r s Iove, I will give you my body and my blond, this is a great thing,if we were able to confider it aright, that the Lord thould give us his body and his blood. There is no love like this , He hathloved me (faith Paul )and hath given .him fife for mee : And this is that indeed which fhould bee the moft efféáuall motive of all others, that there is a pardon that Chrift ftill makes offer of to you; Indeed there is nothing elfe brings us into Chrift but this , o._ ther things may prepare us,but nothing brings us in but this: You know, a Pirate, as long as a Proclamation of rebellion is out againff him, will not come in, but a pardon being promifed , and advancement annexed to it, that, if any thing, will bring him in : The cheek runnes away , as long as there is Hue and Cry, but the promife of pardon makes him returne back : So I fay, it is not the Law that brings you in that may prepare you , but it is this Gofpell_ ; for, as I told you, the Sa. crament preacheth the Gofpell to the eye, as wee doe to the care ; and when mercy is promifed , when a pardon is promifed, a generals pardon, without ex- ception of perlons , or fines , me thinkes this fhauld affet you , and bring you in : As it is Paid,1er.3. Saith the Lord, if eye of you have put away his wife, will hee re- turne 509 SEL li;