Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

5 TO The Cup of ,Blefinz. SER.IT: turne to her againe :? No but you have played the harlot in many places, and many times, and yet returne to mefa ith the Lord: and fo I may fay to every man that heares nie, though thy firmes be never fo great, like that finne of 1. dolatry, like that finne of playing the Harlot, though that were frequently commited, though it were done oft, many times ; yet returne, faith the Lord, ifthou wilt come in, thou fhalt be pardoned, and not fo only,but who- foever recciveth me, faith C hrift, fhall bee made thefèmne of God. Two things Confider this , bee affeEted with ir, let it not be in to invite vaine unto you, when you heare thofe patheticall to curift fpe: ches, i Iohn,He came to ht,k otvne,and his ozone receiv- ed him not : And againe, oh Ierufalem, lerttralem, how oft: v®rsld I have gathered thee , &e: I fay, when you heare thefe things , it may bee you think with your felves , thefe were rebellious people to ufe Chrift thus: you think if it had beene your cafe , if you had beene there among them, you would not have done it: Well , I fay, it is the cafe of every man that continues in any knowne finne. Chrift offers himfelfe, wee make offer of him, when wee preach the Gofpell, in the Sa- crament hee is offered,he is made like a common dole, all may come that will, and certainly all that hunger doe come ; but when thougoeft on Rill in thy firmes, thou art one of them to whom Chrift is come, and thou wilt not receive him; thou art one of them whom, hee would gather, and thou wilt not : No but thou wilt goe on, thou takeft the Grace of God in vaine, thou trampleft the bloud of Chrift Iefus under-foot, as a common thing, thou doefi what thou canft,that the ideath of Chrifi fhould be of no effect , thou recompcn. cat