The Cup of BlefSinga ceft to the Lord, evilllor good, daeft thou think xhat the Lord will bear e thi!; at thy hands t No fureiy, hee will bee revenged on -fuch a man , on fuch a people as this: But you will fay,,it is an hard thing to do this ilia, you exhort us to: An d therefore, that I may not oncly (hew you what the di aty is without affording you fame helpe to doe it, we will adde force things, that may in- vite you to come in : And take Chrift thus offered in the Sacrament , and which is continually offered by and in the Gofpell, And what is it t hat fhould invite us e But two things (to goe no furthe.)one is the mifery out of Chrifl; the fecond is the happinefle you (hall have by him : And that is the bu!inc fe we have principally to doe, at this time, that wee might invite you to take the body and bloud of C a x r s r , that is, to take the Lord him_ fèlfe, who is offered cffeflually and freely to your He makes proclamation to all that will come and take of the waters of life freely. Now if wee confider what-', (hould invite the fonnes of men to come in , thefe two things will doe it, their mifery out of Chrif}, and their happinefle by him : As the Prodigal], what did invite him to come home:' The mifery he was in, he law hee could not live , he could not get huskes to fuflaine him: On the other fide, in his fathers houfe there was bread enough , thofe two together wroight on him, and brought him home : So wee, when wee invite men to the marriage of the Kings Son, that is to marry the Sonhimfelfe;What fhould we fay eto invite theme We bring them . to confider on the one fide , I cannot live without Chrifl ; I am undone, I perifhif Idoe : A gaine, on the other fide , by matching with him, I (hall SER. IL. 1