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5 Our miíe- ry out of Chri(t. Ioh, 3.36. Rom .9. a s. The Cup of Rief. ing. fhall have all by Grace that hee bath by Nature: I`(h be a Sonne of God,a King and }wire ofall things, I (hall have that all Chrift bath : I fay there two thculd invite ,us to come in ; and therefore we will doe there two. Firff, Phew you the mifery you are in outof Chrift, Iohn 3.1 8. faith the Evangelift there, He that Believes not in Chrill is condemned alreadie : ( Marke ) nee needs not a new condemnation, but bee that believes not in Chrifl is condemned already, He that hash not the son, hath not life : Is not this mifery enorgh to be in a ftate of condemnation ? ¡obn 3. Idee that obeyes not the Sei, the wrath of God abides on him And what is that wrath of God i' If the wrath ofa King be a meffenger of Death,whatthinke you of the wrath of God ? Who knowes the power of his wt rath? Rom. 9. What if bee wilhto_thew his wrath, ana.4,:gle his power knornne, fifer with patience theveffels of ,, "+ 1, ppointedto defruc/ion? that is, whenthe Lord (hat, \(ne to execute his wrath on evill men , bee will ufe all the power he bath to exe. cute the fierceneffe of his wrath on them : And there- fore it is a terrible thing to bee fubjed to the wrath of God : But becaufe that moves not fo much,bcing gene - rail, you will aske wherein this wrath of God is (eene, and wherein more particularly is this mifery in being out of Chriti ; I will name but there three partial. lars. Firft , you fh ll be fubjed to Death , fubjeâ to him that bath the power of Death : You will fay, this is no filch mifery, for are not holy men fUbjed to death, as well as evil' men e I, but there is great difference ; the evil' (hall be fubjc4i to death as an enemy , the laft e- nemy that (hail be deflroyed is Death which fhewes that