Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Cup of 131effing. that Death is an enemy ; I fay, they are fubjcd to Death as an enemy Death may come to two men, and be a friend to the one, and an enemy to the other, that which he faith, Death is the rich mans enemy, and the pnore mans friend , we may better apply it to the godly man, and to the evill man : And Purely it is true, death is the godly mans friend, and the wicked mans. enemy ; the fame death, as you know, the fame met:. Fenger comes to call Pharaohs Butler and his Baker, hee came as an enemy to the one , and as a friend to the o. (her, he came to call the one to promotion, and the o- cher to execution, fo cloth death : Now death , when that comes as an enemy ,. is terrible, when that comes with a fling , death indeed without a fling is nothing; but death when it comes with a fting, and the )(longof death is finoe s this wee confider not, that death hat a fling , it is Serpent, that often flings wi boljt hillïng, with out aa;nit g,it comes fuddtnly$itcomes certainly, we fee continually how men fail from the tree of lift, as leaves in Autumne;we confider not this : but this is a- mong the miferies, that we are fubj '6t to death , and that is a great miCery. Thofe that can looke upon o- ther miferics and dangers, and outface them, without being daunted , when death comes, that appalls them; that loofes the joynts, that makes them tremble , that snakes their knees knock together : You know it is Paid' of Siui1,David profcfïeth that he was valiant as a Lion , hi his fongs of him, when the newes of death comes, he rais to the ground , there was no fircngth in him : all re petty miseries to this, this isthc great Giant that elites the ftoutefi heart a tremble at his approach. But is . this all , that wee are fubjeta to Death when 513 SER. IL- Wee are tub jeft to death. Difference of the fob je then to death m good,and bad men.