Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

AMR 5¡4 2 Subjeâ to the ere of death. i 3 ubjet to Hell. The Cup of '13áe' zn&. when we arc out of Chrift r No, we are fubjei to the feare of death likewife , which is an hundred times whole than death it felfe lieb, 2.14. He bath delivered as from him that had the power of death,he bath delivered ras,that for feare of death were all our livesfubjeél to bond- age : I fay , the feare of death , is work than death it Celle, becaufe death continues but a moment, itis foone gone, but the feare of death continues alwayes, a long time , like the hand - writing which kept Be fhazzar in feare ; fo this feare of death keepes us in a continual) trembling, this is that that imbitters all our comforts, that low res all our joy,this feare of death,they were all their lifetime fubjed to bondage through the feare of death : Therefore it is not faid that death is bitter to him that lives in pleafure, but the remembrance of death ; all the joyes and comforts that wee have in this life, what are they when they are accompanied with this? I fay,there is nothing terrible, but fo farre as it is mingled with this feare : All evil) and dangers are fo farre terrible, as they are harbingers of death, as they are crackes to give warning of the fall of the whole houfe that thall never bee repaired againe : Whatfoe- ver pleafurc wee enjoy , this is the gall that takes away the fweecnes of all, though the pottage were other - wife good;.when the Collaquintìda was in them , there is death in the pot; fo I may fay, when death is joyned, what fweetneffe is in theme That is the condition of every man living out of Chrift, hee is not only fub- jed to death,but to the feare of death continually. But is this all:' No, there is yet more, thereis Hell, death bath a Page that comes behinde him, that is ten times worfe than himfelfe , Revelation 6. 7, 8 I Tooke