Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Cup of bleßing. utterly. And therefore confider what cafe you are in out of Chrift, what mifery you are in out of him, that when Hell and death come ; as (ice laid , yp Sampfon, for the Philr flims Are on thee ; fo , when we filth lay, Heil and death is on you, and your haires are cur off , that is, Chrift is gone from you ( for the cutting off his leckes) was but an emblem that God was departed from him) I fay, when they are on us : It Chrift bee away,what a cafe are we in Shall they not take us and carry us ro that prifon, there to he for ever a There - fore confider this, it is certaine, the deftroy ing Angell will come,and commonly he comes in the night; Death comma wbcn thou lee losleß for him As a ttoft : I fay, the deftroying A',gell will come; what will their con. dition be then,when there is no fprinkling of the blond on the doore- polls of thy foule :' It is the cafè of e very man our of Chrift ; What are wee out of him When the avengers of bloud, when thepurfuers flaall fit onus , and pursue us , from whom wee cannot fí e And when wee (hall be flint our from the hornes of the Ala -, wh n we cannotcome to chrr fl the Cr i R fuge,it is a terti`ole thing, if we confider it fertoufly. Ir is 1áöí that v: anon, when he caufed the people to corer mit that finne,or was an inflrumcnt rather, it is fa id that hee left the people naked , why ? Becaufe he dcprivea them of the prefence of the Lord : Now when Chrtit (halt be taken from us,when we are without him,when we are deprived of hire, are we not naiad a Is not the hedg broken downer There is nothing left to fhelter us ; what are wee without him ? but as the Coneys out of the roc lees that have nothing to flicker us from the devouring Lion : Now cXto, fee was buta Type, it