The Cup of bleßing. 517 it is Chrift that holds the hands of God,that he cannot i Ss R. II. deftroy us, it is He that Bands in the breach, and keeps out the inundation of evils, that wee be not overwhel- med with them ; He is the Arke of God, that caufeth the houfe of obed -Edom to be blefled; and wee have more caufe to take to heart the want of Him, a thou - fand times , then they had to lament the loffe of the Arke, when it was among the Philiftims, for the Arke was but a type of Chrift: This is the cafe of every mau living out of Chrift. I but, you will fay, Chrift is mercifull, He is very objec% ready to forgive, I hope I am not out of Him, but He is ready to receive me It is very true, He is mercifull,but to whom a lure- L,fij ly not to the wicked, Hee holds not the wicked inno- cent; to fpeake plainly to you, Whofoever continues in any knowne finne, be it never fo fmall, to fuch a man Chrift will not be merciful! : No fnne( hall have domi- nion over you, Rom, 6. for you are not under the Law, but Ram,A under Grace : As if he fhould fay, there are none whom Chrift takes to himfelfe, and puts into the condition of grace, but heefreesthem from the dominion of every firm , there is not one ruling lull there : You know there are many paths that lead tohell, the way that leads the right way is but one, error is manifold ; there are a thoufand paths that lead the wrong way and will not one path lead to hell as well as a thoufand r He that is in Chrift hath crucified the flefh , and all affections, there is not one raigning lull there;fo that as Antichrift had his marke,and they received the marke of the Beall: So Chrift hath his marke too ; as you have it, Ezek,g. The Writer marked all that mourned, God fer a marke L 1 upon