Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

518 The Cttp of 13defling. SEEM \ upon them, and hee fers a marke upon all thole that he is merciful! to. You will fay, what is this marke of the Lord :' You (hall finde, a Cop., 4.17.Whofoever is in Chri fl,be is 4 new Creature,that is the marke of the Lord Iefus: And there- fore,ifthou would'fi know whether Chrift will be mer. cifuil to thee,confider if thou find that marke there, Art thou a new Creature?chat is, art thou made all new, as if thou had'ft another foule dwelling in thy body,for thou muff not be new by halfs,thy whole fpirit muff be new. Z Ca. _. Again if you will come properly to this marke, Z z. you fhall finde, Ephef, i . 2 Cor, r . v+ hat it is, The Seale and marke that chrtil f is , is his fpirit : Whofoever bath not the fpirit of Chrift is none of his You know Mer- chants fet leales upon their goods, to know them, that when they meete with their Peale they may fay, This is my parcel! of goods : So it is in the multitudes of men ; All that Chrift will be merciful! unto he fits his kale on them, and where he findes his feale and his marke , thofe hee knowes to bee his That Seale is his t piefi.i 3f fantliEying Spirit that hee bath given us , it is a Seale or earneft 2 COr.r. and Ephef i. Hee bath tided as with tke Spirit of Promife : that is , with the Spirit that hee hath promifed to us. Soconfider if thou have that Spi- rit then, to fanóifie and to change thy heart, to make thee another man than thou art by nature°,to enable thee to doe more than thou cantt doe by nature ; if thou have not this Peale of God , thou art yet none of his : But you will fay , I have the Seale, I hope I have the Spirit : Well, it is well if thou haft ; but know this, that Chrift never gives that privie Seale and S:gnet of his, that inward Seale that none knowes, fave thole that