The Cup of Dlef?ing. 519 __ f that have it sbut there is a Broad -leale likewile that fol- Ss R, II: 'owes, that SeAlefpoken of, a Tim. a. Thisfoundation 1 Tira.z ofthe Lord remaineth lure , and bath this Seale, The Lord 19. knoweth who are his , and let them depart from iniquity that call upon the name ef theLord; he adds to that other, a parting from iniquitie, from all kinde of iniquitie, there muff bee none exempt place in thine hearr, nor in thy life, wherein thou wilt have a privilege, thou continueft not in the 'eat finne , but departeft from all iniquitie, then thou haft this Scale afwell as the o- ther : If thou want thefe two Scales, if thou bee not a New Creature, if any finne have dominion over thee , if there bee one living luft in thee that is not mortified, that is not healed, I affure theethoune- ver haddeft yet any part in Chrift : and if thou bee out of Chrift , thou feeft what thou art fubjeet to, to the wrath of God, and you fee the particulars , you are fubjeEt to death , you are fubjed to the feare of death, and to hell ; and this is the cafe of every man out of Chrif,and me thinkes this fhould fomewhat move us to come in, and to take him. But this is not all,that which we have by Chrift may invite us a great deale more for cibly : If we could but open the Casket , and (hew you the Iewels, or if we could but unlocke the treafures that arc hid in chrift, it would bring a man in love with him, it would make men doe as Paul, Account 411 drofe Benefits and dung, that they might bave him. Well, though wee by Cb"i #` cannot 'doe it fully , yet wee will endeavour to doe it a Life. little : You will fay , What íhall wee have by Chr f Firft, you (hall have life by him, lob. 6. theplace fpoken of in the beginning , Hu that believes in mee , fhall kit. 6, f4 have crernati life, and I will raite him up at the 14 day : L 12 VII Lien