Ste The Cup of rile ping. sERJr. When lice comes to fpeake of water to the woman of g,s4. Samaria, lohn q.. when he would commend. to us a mo rive to ftir us up to come and take him , and to drinke, &c. hee faith, Hee that drinker this water ¡hall thirft no more.: That is, hee (hall live for ever ; it is water that (hall keepe life i-n him for all eternity ; when the heard this, (he hearkens to beam of water that could keep life for ever. When you reade the fiery in Geniis, that the Angel was fet tvitha(word fltaken, to keepe man from com. wing to raft of the tree of life ; you would thinke with your (elves, if the Angels were removed now, or there were a man fo happy, that the Angell would give way to him , that he might come and Bate of the tree , and when he had eaten to live for ever, you think that man in an happy condition. Now the Lord doth fay, Hee Rev.27. that overcomes I will give to eat of the tree in themid. deft of the paradife of God : That is,he Thal eat of me,and live for ever ; this is the great happineife we have. When Chrif} would ufe a compelling argument to move, Rev, a. i a. Hee that overcomes pall not be hurt of the f cond death : Why, is it -fo great a matter: Oh that is all , not to be hurt ofthefcond death The firfi death is nothing ; the firft death is but the doore, it is but the gate that leads to the paffing thorow ; the firft death is but a going over the threlhold, the breadth of it is but a fiep, and the length of it is -but a moment of time or two; But the fecond death, there are the chambers of death, as Salomon (peaks, where you (hall be Ied from one mifery to ano :her,and where you (hall dwell for e- ver : And therfore confider tl :is,ifyou t?kce Chriff,you fb:al not be hurt o/the fecund death..1 befeech you confider ferioufly, reckon nothing fo Tweet, if this life be fewer, that