The Op of hlef3ing. that is but a (panne long , is not aboundance of life Sia.IL much fweeter a It is naturali to every man to de -1 fire immortality if you could but have this life! continued , let every man aske his owne breft what hee would give, that his life might bee con rinued , that hee might bee immortal! e If there were fuch a thing as the Alchymifts fpeake of, if I could draw out the thred of this life to keepe it firme and even as they dreame of ; what would you give to obtaine it a And will you not regard this that will doe that indeed ? Will you not take Chrift, which is life indeed , which will give you another life of im. mortality t for you mutt know that it is not immor- tality limply that man delires. The Naturalifts were deceived in that, for a man had rather not to he than tc bee in mifery : And the foules in hell are immortali; and therefore it is not immortality that wee defire (im- ply , for death is not the extinguifhing of life,but the mifery of life : And therefore, where the Scripture fpeakes of the loffe of the foule, it is to be meant thus; a mans finger or his jovnt is loft , when it is ft ized by an incurable fore : So when cternall mifery is on the foule, when the foule is loft , and yet you have the joynt i}ll , you have the foule ¡till. you have life (till: and therefore it is not immortality (imply that wee de. fire, if w; e confider w hat it is, but it is happinefl'e, it is u,ch a life as is nor onely immortall,but happy withal!: his life Chrift hatn promifed,we (hall live,and an hap- -)y life, fuch as Samt Paul exprcfkth, z c or 5. faith , wee ¿fire not to bee unclothed , but to bee clothed capon , that immortality might bee fsvallowed up of life: As if hee fhould lay, confider with your felves, you L ! that 52,1