S 4 The Cap of Dleging. sax, H. that is ,a wife man through the coude of his lire, mould bee Bill fitting and preparing himfelfe for death ; and (hall. Chriflians come kJ,* Ahem Jr was a wife fpeech of Peter to our Saviour , Lord, whitherJhall wee goeethoi haf the words of eternal life as if he íhould fay, there is no motive to thar,furely we will not leave thee: therefore, I fay, confider, here we are but Tenants at will , wee may bee turned out of doores to morrow, therefore let this be a motive to win to Chrifl , you (hall have life. But you will fay, I hope death is farre off, yet I have time enough: well, take heed thou be not deceiv'd in that, for there isa collufion there : as the Painter by collufion of colours , makes a thing feeme farre off°,when it is neere athand fo we by our folly and vanity, our fanfe mif- apprehending of things, we look on death as farre off , when it may bee it is at our heeles, at the next doore ; thou knoweft not how Toone thou mayft meet with it , therefore fay not, it is farre off ; but thinke with thy Rife , goe fit alone but a little time together ,. and then thinke with thy felfe I mug die ; it is appointed to me as to amen, once to die : Confider, if a man might die twife or thrice perhaps he would be ready, he would be prepared ;brit confider thou muff die but once, if thou be not prepa- red, there is not a fecond opportunity : and then cone der,thy foule is immortall in an other place,it mug live for ever. And then remember chrit faith , thou (halt have life, if thou take him,thou (halt live for ever : then thou wilt finde it an exceeding bieffing worth the ha- ving,ït is that that may wooe you and win you to come in and take Chrift, to Jove him, and to ferve him, and to obey him; certainly if you wil not now be moved with it