516 The Cup of fleßing. smii of al good,you know this is happiness Now fin, is it not t firf} link in the chaine of illse As the under. wheeles in a Clock or Watch depends upon the firft, fo all miferies depend upon finne, as the Matter ill of all; take away that , and all the wheeles Rand Rill , they move not a jot to doe us the leaf} hurt : take away finne take away all ; this ill in finne is a bar, and flops from us all good things ; take away finne,and you (hall enjoy all that in abundance that your hearts can defire : If you have not your finnes forgiven what will it availe a If you come to a Prifoner and tell him, you fhall have the belt Lodging, you (hall have a Pal lace , You (hall have Orchards , and Gardens to walke in ,'you (hall have Gold and Silver , as much as you will defire , you (hail have honour put upon you, would not he anfwer a Alas, what would all this availe without a pardon r So I fay to men, that magnifie the things of this world fo much, and remifon of finnes they think not of ; I fay , what is all this, will it availe without a pardon e No , therefore this is a great mo. tive to bring us in to Chrifi,that our finnes may be for. given. Therefore that great promife went of the me": fi4h, that when hee flaould come into the world, hce fhould fave his people from their finnes : and this isa mercy , which though you may flight now in health and firengrh , yet when the times come that God (hall charge finne upon your confciences, that they feele the weight and burden of it, you (hall finde no mercy like to this, that you may have your finnes forgiven ; then FR e that bringech the glad tidings of peace , his feet will, be beautifull : the thing is the fame,if we had hearts to confider of it: if wee were poore in fpirir, if wee knew what]