Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Cup of Dleflinn. what finne were, if we had ever felt the bitterneflè of Satans yoke, that wee were weary of it, wee would come in and reckon it a great matter , to have our fins forgiven a this is the fecond a 11ball profccute the ref} at force other time. tust' , 527 \ SER,IIJ. THE CVP OF BLESSING: Delivered in Three Sermons, upon i Cor. ro. t6. The Third SERMON. COR. YO. r6. The Cup of blef?ing, that we blet, is it not the Communion of the bloud of (-brill? The bread that me breake, is it not the Communion of the body of Cbrif ? H E point you know wee have deli( red out of there words, is this, that in the Sa- crament , there is a true reall Communi- cation, or giving, or offering of I a s u s CHRIST; of hiS body, and of his bloud, to all worthy receivers : We have {hewed you the difference, betweene the Papifts and us in this point. They