The Cup of Dleflinn. what finne were, if we had ever felt the bitterneflè of Satans yoke, that wee were weary of it, wee would come in and reckon it a great matter , to have our fins forgiven a this is the fecond a 11ball profccute the ref} at force other time. tust' , 527 \ SER,IIJ. THE CVP OF BLESSING: Delivered in Three Sermons, upon i Cor. ro. t6. The Third SERMON. COR. YO. r6. The Cup of blef?ing, that we blet, is it not the Communion of the bloud of (-brill? The bread that me breake, is it not the Communion of the body of Cbrif ? H E point you know wee have deli( red out of there words, is this, that in the Sa- crament , there is a true reall Communi- cation, or giving, or offering of I a s u s CHRIST; of hiS body, and of his bloud, to all worthy receivers : We have {hewed you the difference, betweene the Papifts and us in this point. They