5 z8 The Cup of Blef.inz. SEx. III. They will have here, a reali corporali pretence of _ Chritt. We fay, it is true ; but it is Spirituali, but it is My- fticall, but it is Sacramental]. Wee have fhewed you the reafons, by which we refelled that opinion of theirs ; That there is no necef- Pity, neither in regard of the thing, nor in regard of the words ; and if there be no neceifity, we may not grant it : other reafons we ¡hewed the lait day , but not to ftand to repute them. The lait day , (becaufe they Rand fo much on Fa. thers) in this point , we ¡hewed you the opinion of di. vers of them: oforigen,ofvlthamafiru, 4mbrafi,Ter_ tullian, c4ugufline, and the rat. To that wee will add The Time; but this,to cicare that point concerning the opinions of when fo the Fathers. You (hail finde that Iren.ew thattlived Fathers ii within ¡evenly yeares after the death of Saint lehn, is tl` d creare in this point ; that the Bread and Wine , are but Sacraments and Figures of the body and bloud of Chrífl : after him thirty yeares, lived Clemens Alexax- drings, Tertuaran and origen,forthey lived much about a time. Why the origen was the Seholler of Clemens LA( lex,cmdrinxu; Fathers thefe doe as evidently explane it, as any of our divines, are not fo iRinfi in though not to di(tinaly , becaule the controverfie was the Do_ not then moved : and therefore you mutt not expect fo ftrineof full and fo ckare and diftinet exprdlions, as you Tranfubf. have in thefe times , when we have more occafion to doe it. I will not trouble you with Citation, left I fpend time too much : but you (hall finde it fo in them. After their tim -, Angnfline exprellcth ic fo fully,as that Calvin , or Bcza, hash nit dose it more clearely, as I (hewed