Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Cup of 13lef3inz. ..=1.01MMen "____ Ihewed by fome Allegations , out of him the Taft day. From his time I dot not finde, that this opinion of theirs had any footing inthe Church, till thetime c f Damafene,that lived in the yeare feven hundred thirty. Flee was the firft of all that we can remember or we have read of, that began in the Eafterne Churches, this opinion of Trattfubffantiation : Chryfoltome hath tore hard fpeeches,but fuch as maywell be interpreted; if you looke on him in the trait of his writings ; you fhall fee evidently , that he never dreamed of any fuch reall prefence as the Papifts affirme. But I fay, Dama- fcene was the firft that fet this falfe opinion abroach in the Eafterne Churches, in the Greeke Churches about a hundred yeares after. In the wefterne Churches , Italy, and thofe parts , it began alittlerobe felon foot, in the time of Carolars Calves Emperour ; who being troubled with that controverfie fee Bertram aworke, a Presbyter , a learned man , one of the moll learned of thofe times ; and defired him to expref e his opinion in that point : I-Iee writ a learned booke of it , and fo the controverfic continued in good flare and condition, till two hundred yeares after, or lea, bet weene one, and two hundred. And the firft man that began to infufe his poifon into the Church was ore Lan frarnkc, Arch- Bifhop of Canterbury in England: a man learned , but very pernicious to the Church. After histimc,t`le opi- nion began to be fome what hot :.and then Berengariur wrote againff it ;who upon his condemnation tetra- dcd it, but before his death repented the retratation; and upon writing his retraL`tation, it began to bee put upon men by naafi ty, by the Pope: which was done in the time of Bernard , 400 yeares fance... I nave done this, 529 SER,IIL D ama fce- ne let tra Cubftanti ai0n a broach in Grecia, 7 3 o yCares after Cbri/t Larfranke Bithop o Canterbu- ry, 1 o; o ÿeares af- ter Chrifi brcugLt tranfubfl Eiarien in- to Eng- land.