53o The Cup of Dlefrn &. SSA, III. this, that thofe may bee latisfied that are not fatisfied, with the Scriptures, and with the reafons that were\ brought , but would know the opinions of the Fathers. \' To ffand to cite all the particulars were a vaine worke ; S So much for that. After we (hewed the falfeneffe of their opinion, wee (hewed in what manner Chrift is communicated to us in the Sacrament : Not to ffand to repeate it, Wee are now to come to chofe other particulars bleflings or comforts which wee have in Chrift, which fhould in. vite us to come in and take him. The next therefore is this,you have it in matt. 11.3 0. Cameo me , faith he, all ye that are weary and beaviehí. den,and i will eafee you ; you (hall find /eft to your foules: that you (hall have to invite you , if you will come in and take Chrift,you (hall finde reft to your foules : that is, looke what the Haven is to the Sea - faring weather_ beaten man ; look what a coole refrefhing fhade is, to a man that is fcorched with the heateofthe Sunne; looke , what a cover is to a man that is beaten with the (torme to the Chore, filch is Chrift to thofe that come in and take him : And therefore that we may know what this reft is, which you (hall finde if you come in to Chrift: Let us finde out what this wearinefïeis. what the Now in fnne you (hall finde this wearineffe. wearinefre Firft, there is a wearineffe in the fervice of fin, there of fin is. is no bondage to the bondage of tyrannous lulu, they In the are hard matters they fet to hard taskes if they of Y you fine. fay goe , you muff goe ; if they fay come, you muff Come. Chrift fets you at liberty from thisbondage , by mortifying of finne, and killing it as cMofes did the .Ægy p' ian, The bene- fits by