Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Cup of 3leßin (g. /Egyptian, that ílrove with the Hebrew, which is a de- liverance far exceeding that out of the bondage of Æ- gypt, which was fo much magnified , ns much as the fubflance exceeds the fhadow. This is one kinde of refl you (hall have by Chriff ; you (hall be delivered from the bondage of finne. Againc , there is a wearinefl'e in the guilt of fin com- mitted , which haunts us like furies, and ever and anon gives fecret whippes, fecret twinges to the foule ; from this Chrift delivers us , For being ju iii fled by faith, wee have peace with God , Rom. 5.1. That is, the confcience is calmed , it is quiet, which before was full of horrour and vexation. Againe , there is a wearineffe in the fruits of fin, the idles, the croffes, the fickneffe, the imprifonment, dif grace; all which are but the fruites of finne: There is a wearinefhe in there, and from all there Chri(a delivers us, partly in freeing us from many ofthele, that other- wife we fhould have felt; and partly in takingaway the venome and fling from thofe wee doe feele : For that which is Laid of Death , oh Death when is thy viülory, &c. The fling of Death is Pane, it may be Paid of every calamity. The fling of imprifonment, the fling of fickncife, the fling of difgrace, the fling of all mifery is fanne. What is the Adder when the fling is away ? So, what areal] thefe,when Gnae is removed, You know what they were to Paul what he endu- red , how many priions he wem thorow, how oft hce was whipped,how oft 1,K was floned,how many chinos he fuffered ; you have a catalogue of them ten or ele- ven, and yet all was nothing to him ; hewas happier in t he fe 53' SR,III. z Reft by Chril}. 2 Weari- nefìe in the guilt of fint e. 3 Weari- neffr hi the fruit of fin. Afli}i ons vvith. out finas the Adde, w:thovt a fling.