53z The Cup of Dleflinn. EL IIi. C thefe than Nero was in his Palace : But what, (hould I _ give you an inflance Take madam in Paradife, when he was in Paradife, yet when he had but the fling of confcience, yoüki ;ow he was filled with horrour. PRUl againe , when flee was fore whipped in the day, and his feete were fafl in the flocks , and the fling of fin was tooke away, and he enjoyed a good confcience; Si- las and he fung that the prifon rung of them : I fay, this condition you (hall have in Chri(t , you (hall bee deli- vered from finne, from the fling of finne, from the fruit of finne ; but betides this , as there is a wea- rineffe in the fervice of finne , and a wearineffe in the guilt of finne, and in the fruit of finne. So yet there is more wearineffe. e'rt- ífc in There is a wearineffe in the habit of finne, (for finne ne the habit is to the foule as fickne(fe is to the body.) Sin to the Now a man that is ficke is weary of every thing, hee i Conic; as s weary of fitting, he is weary of lying fo the foule fi:knefre while fin abounds in it,is weary of every thing; a man dr the ho is weary of himfelfe,heis weary of his owne company. Now when Chrift comes, he takes away this weari- neffe, and gives grace, which is to the foule as health is to the,body, that cures all the diflempers and gives ref} unto it, but yet there is more than this. s In all There is a wearinefle in all that finne toucheth , in that finne all the conditions of this life there is a wearinefle. touches. + A man is weary of folitarincffe and he is weary of company, he is weary of bufìncffe, he is weary of idle - nes, he is wcaryof high condition,for that is fubjcâ to envie, as the wind is moll boifierous upon the top of hill. And he is weary againe of low condition for the valleyes