534 The Cup of 13lefing. YR. III. You know when thec2 .eßiaa was tó come , what expeóìation the 'ewes had of a kingdorne that fhould be reftoredto them : how frequent are the Prophett in Petting forth the glorious luftre of that kingdome; when the cí`t'tefi came it was fulfilled , for faith hee,' Matth.3. Repent, for the Kingdome of God ù at hand: and, Faare not little flocke, it ss your Fathers will to give you a Kingdoms : And Revel. r . Ike hash made us Kings and Priefs. You will fay, wherein is this Kingdome , wherein doth this kingdome confì ft Lookc to all the proper. ties of a kingdomeand you (hall finde all in this : King Firt , one thing wherein the freeneffe of Kings con - havc,. lilts, is,that they have their liberty,others are Subjects. Now what is liberty e Liberty. Liberty ; ;Liberty is. nothing elic, but a power to live as yith wtìr L 'This you have by drift.; becaule, hee gives his fpirit as footle as you take him he fends his fpirit into your hearts, that redtifiesyour will , that Pets all right and ftraight within us. 3.. ,° `ó,ca,: Now when your will is reai d:Istpou;w.ill,; tha In whit which you ought 5 When you have this, you live as you refpeft a r } , chri$ims lift; becaufc you lift not to doe but that which is good lire as and fo you have liberty in/oh. $ 36. The Son ilia/make thcylift ou ee, shatis ou fhallbe Tub cc`i:to nothing as.Paul 7 , y 7 _r faith, Wee will be brought intofiubjetlionto nothing;`wec will not be fhb j et to loft, we will not-be fubjea to any thing, you (hall ferve nothing, as he faith, We are bought with á price,we axe not the.rervants of men ; we need lea re nothing. :Luk i:74.. -Mhat king delivered from the hands of al our enemies wemight ferve him wit hout fear4e ;b. caute when you fears him you need feare nothing befides. As