Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Cup of ießing. 53, As the true ferpent ate up the falfe ; fo the true fearer sa tt.III. Bates up the falfe. When you are in him,you are at fir berry, you are delivered from all your enemies. Take any other man , {till hce feares fomething, hee feares death , hee feares fickneffe , he feares the Joffe friends, offe of favour of the Prince , hee feares the Joffe of fomething or other. But when a man is in Chrifi, het is delivered out of the hands of all his enemies ; he need feare nothing, for what fhould hurt him a It mutt he Tome of the Creatures : but all they are like Maftifes ra- .ted by themafters command , as it is onely the mailer that can doe it, and hee doth rate them,thatthey (hall not flie in the face of his friend, though they may aífault his enemies: and doe but thinke with your felves,what a happy condition it is , what fafety you have in Chrifi, that nothing can hurt you , and thereforewee are bid - den, be in nothing careful!. If any thing could hurt you, wee might be carefull in fomething, No, faith he, Bee careful! in nothing , Chrifi takes care for you : nothing Thal! hurt you, and fo, cull things jhaliworkefir your good. And if to be then nothing can hurt you , this that you !hall have by Chrift, one thing, you (hall have liberty. But another thing wherein a Kingdome conf its , is 2 Plenty, : that is, you (hall have abundance of all things. Plenty. What was 54/omens Kingdome And what were other kingdomes of the world but plenty of all thiigs r What (hall we have then, you will lay ? Shall wee weft. have meat and drinke, houfes and Vines ? No , thofe are too bate things for the Kingdome of L/in God to con!ft in, Rom. 14. 17. The Kingdome of God confifis in righteoerfre jfe , holyne/fe, peace , and joy in the Um 2 Holy'