Peace3 To over - come, what The Ctep of Dle Pins. Flay Gboll : that is, there (hall bea reaìitude, all your tonics , that it (hall bee free from diforder from di. ¡temper , from obliquity. Bdiidcs you fhall have peace, that is a companion )f a Kingdome you (:,all have peace, that is, your ((Jules,thallbee quit, there (hall be a ferenity there, as he Sea .is when-it is without wind or ftorme. Againe,you fh,i have joy, your hearts lhal be filled ,with the conf la',:.-Jas of the fpirit , thcfe things you hall have ifyc i wi!l come in to Chri'0., v ,hich goes far beyond the p ompe and plenty a% al aim adance of any other Kingdome. , But befides this, that you fhall have the liberty , the plenty, and abundance of Kings, you (hall likewite have the power of Kings: as the Aponte faith,:he king - dame of God is not in word, but in 1, 4 that is, you (hall not onely fay, I with I could liv ',poly lily Fiç ;hers doe; I with I could mortifie filch' filch lucks; I with I could abftaine from filch f;ns,and doe fuch duties,but you (hall have power and ability to doe them. dam able to do all things , faith S.:Foul, through Chrifi :batItreng. tb :ns me. Againe, befides this you (hall have the vi dory of Kings , you (hall be overcome of nothing: to be in dif- grace, to be in Prifon, is not to be overcome. Bu to be delivered from a mans way, to be put be- fides his intention , to fall from a mans fteadfaftneff'e, his is to be overcome: Thus faith the Apoftle, We are in poverty, but not overcome : Such Kings were all the Apoftles they marched as Kings in the world , they t ìumphed over all the oppofitions they found, they trod under foot Satan , and the power of the Bflemy. Again( -nrrte.2719.