Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Cup of blef tzg. Againe, betides all this, you !hall have the glory of ((t SE aril. Kings : For what are you , when you come to Chrift, f 4 Glory but formes of Cod, heires apparent, in Pfd, 45. Prin -1 PCa1.4rSi6 ces in all Lends , others are but Princes in their owne dominion, but hee will make you Princes in all Lands But you will fay, we fee no fuch things. ®6jeZ, No , but Eccief i o. You are Princes, though you ,4n, /rv, walke on foot &r fervents ; and they Ore but (riants, al Eele(ro, though they ride on horfe back like Princes, Therefore, '' I john 3. You are the tons of God , but it eppeares not yet ii LO", , _: what you (hall be. When we have ate(' our part, and are gone off the flage,when the part that we have futlained (hall be taken from us and them,ther ey (hall appeare that they are fervants,and that thofe tat are come in to Chrift are Princes. You will fay, This were a good thing, if it were a oóje J. reali Kingdome, but thefe arc imaginary things ? I anfwere, it is not fo, the Kingdome of Chrift is as reall as thefe outward external! Kingdomes are, and tfw' why fhould it be worfè efteemed , becaufe it confifts not in outward things ; for what is the body but the (heath, the fachell, the (hell of the fouler it is the foule that is the man, the perfeling of the foule,is perfeting of the man. Therefore,the kingdome that is fpirituall, mutt needs be beyond that which is outward and cor - porall,efpecial fuch a kingdome as this,that confifis not in the titles of authority, but is filch a kingdome, as the wife Philofopherfpeakesof, faith hee, Some, nature hath made Kings as the Eagle the king of birds , the Lion the King of beafts ;there is an excellency in force, and thon' Nature hath made Kings. I fay , fuch Kings Chrift will make you ; for when Mm3 the, 537