The Cup of (Bic ing. 539 (hall make you ready to every good worke , as you( Ss Et III. have it, a rim. z To fhall be ve (fells of bonerur prepared for every good worke : It is a Metaphor taken from vef. (els, that as you would take any ve (fell, as a Salt or Spoone, or a Cup, they are fir and ready for your fer- vice that they are applyed to : So if you would know what you (hall have by thefe Graces, when we tell,you (hall have Grace; they (hall fashion and fit your harts,as veffels are fitted for al the duties of newobedience : this you (hall have by grace, and without thefe graces, you arc able to doe nothing ;as without the faculty of hear- ing, without the faculty of feting, without the faculty of memory , you are not able to doe any of thefe , but with them you are able to doe thern,with facility,with out wearineffe. A man that bath the faculty ofleeing , fees eafily the eye is not weary of Peeing, nor the care of hearing. This benefit you (hall have ; you (hall be made rich in thefe graces, that !hall make you ready to every good worke, that (hall fill your lives with the fruite of righ. teoufnes. As when a tree is full of lap, it will foone be filled with bloíf'omcs , and with fruit. So will you when you are rich in grace; therefore the Saints are Paid to be rich in all fpeech. Why ! For they were rich in knowledge firíl, and every grace ; that is the way to make you rich to be rich in grace. But is this all? No, you (hall likewife bee rich in good works ; as Chrift faith, /oh. z S. 5. Without me you can doe nothing), but by me, you (Ball be able to doe all things. But you will fay, what are thcfe riches worth, to bee rich in grace, and to be rich in good tivorkes M m 4 They