MIN 540 The Cup of Blefing. sr.x. IIL\ eh y arc much worth every manner of way : for firft,why do you prize riches,butbecaufe they can pro. cure any thing thatyouneed :' If you need Wine, if you need Bread,if you need apparell,if you need convenient houfes, riches you know will procure them of the hands of thole that have them , when you want them: So thefe riches will procure atthe hands of God, what you need. If you need counfelI in difficult cafe s, ifyou need fuc. celïe in doubtful' bufinefe, if you need health when you are ficke,thefe riches will fetch them in for you; as they did to Hezeki6u when hee was ficke, Lord thou knoweff that I have ferved .thee with a perfec7 heart. Aid what then Therefore give me health, and hee prevailed : it will bring you friend thip whenyou need it,from your ene. mies, that can hurt you, and are ready to doe you hurt: as Jacob, you know what a fare he was in of Efu, but when he went to God,he prevailed with him. When you are in the jawes of death and would have life, this will procure it at Gods hands ; as it oft did to David, Pfal. r z 6.3. When the Pares of death bad compaffed rnee about, I fought unto thee, and thou delivered i me. Ifay, this you fhall have by thefe riches, whatfoever you want it will fetch in to you. For as it is faid , Jim lyes at the doere to doe you hurt at one time or another : So you may fay of grace, of the good workes you have done,they will do you good one time or another:for as it was with corneli;ys, his prayer and his good workes came into remembrance before the Lord, when it may bee himfelfe had forgotten them : So lfay, God will remember all thefe : and as yee.therefore reckon riches precious,