Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

541 SER. M. oójec7. The Cuy of !leßinn. need comes 3 take one that is rich to the world, and an- other that is rich to God and rich in good workes; now by" good workes (by the way) know that I meane not aimes deeds onely , for that is the error of Papiíis ; but by good workes I meane alto, the laying up of many faithful! prayers, the keeping of fimpliciry and fincerity in our lives and converfation, the keeping of a cleare confcience to God and men, the (crying of God with a perfea heart, thefe are the riches I fay. Take two men , the one rich in thefe kind of riches, another that is rich to the world ; when thefe two die, which of the two riches would you chufe t I fay this is a thing that may win you to come into C x x r s r ; hee will make you rich,you fball have treafures laid up, you (hail bee rich in grace , and in all good workes. But is this all No, you (hall bee rich in all kind of bleffïngs, in all kinds of comforts, in all kinds of priviledges, it may be this will Winne you more. In i Car. 3.23. Paul is yours, and Apallos is yours, the world, life, death, things prefent , and things to come, they areyours and you are Chriflr, and Chili' is Gods. Marke ; there is nothing but a Catalogue, an Inventory of Chriflian riches, faith bee , Paul and cí4pados. What are thefeeall the gifts and learning that they have, it is for your fakes; they are your fervants, they arc brit men that watch o- ver you for your falvation ; all the excellent gifts that God bath given to the formes of men, they are but your riches. But is this all e No, the world is yours,and all in ir. You will fay, wee find not this, for who bath the