The Cup of 1lef?ing. the world at xvill r Who amongtì the Saints e Though you have not, yet the mifery that you find in the world the want of wealth as well as the enjoy- ing of it is yours, that is, it tends to your advantage, all is but for you. As in the field of wheat we may fow, all is for the wheats fake ; the Foyle is for the wheat, the Husband -man is for the wheat,the ftalk , the care, the dew,the barne,the threfhing;al is to ferve the wheat: fo we may fay of a Chriftian , in this world. The world it felfe that is the field , is but for the wheate, for Chriflians : the Husband men , Paul and v1p©Il ©s and Cephau are but for you. And if you object ; but alas wee have many bitter ohjell. ftormes and affliEtions, for all you make thefe promifes unto us. It is very true, but all thefe are for the wheat ;as you iinfwe know the wheat mutt have a rummer and a winter , it muff have froft and fnow, it mutt have wet and dry, or elfe it will not ripen: no more will you, you mutt have weale and woe, you mutt have affliCtion as well as pro - fperity ;but this is for your comfort, all is for you the world is yours. Is this all e No, life is yours, death is yours that is, this life is nothing but a fitting, a preparing, a íquaring of you for a better life, for eternity. Why t But death is terrible. objei7; No, it is your advantage, for you (hall dye juft "Dos then when it is belt for you ; death (hall ferve but as a fervant for your advantage. That as a man would have a tree that fhould grow, hee lops it j uft in the time and feafon 5 but trees that he would havedefroyed, he cuts them 543 SER,IIi. L./lofty.