Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

544 Sea. III, oblea. c.AInfrv. objel't. Anrw. Vrov. az,i The Cup of Dléfing. them at any time. All the Saints have this comfort, th it death comes for their advantage ; God cuts them n )t downe, he lops them not, bee puts not in the fickle till they bee juft ripe : for death is theirs , and left this (hould not be enough,he faith, things pref nt, and things to come are yours. Mca will fay you promife for eternity indeed, but what doe ye for the prefent Why, godlinefiè hath the promife of the prcfent life. Yea , but if it bee well with us for the prefent, yet we know not what may befall us. Things prefent therefore, andthings to come, faith he, all this is yours : and if all this will not content you, I will add one thing more, the Lord himfelfe is yours; fo that take God and looke on him in his grcatneffe; in his mighty power ; God that is Lord of heaven and earth , I fay he is yours all that he bath is yours, all that hee can doe is yours. And therefore when hee fpral:es to Abraham vtbraham , faith he, I will bee thine, if' thou wilt be mine , I will be to thee an exceeding great reward : You fhall have God himfelfefor your portion. You will fay, how can God be your portion ? Yes,, he himfelfe is yours, for you muff know that finding Me are the beft riches : Loving favour, Pro, 2 2. is better than life ; he that is rich in friends, is better than he that is rich in money and among friends , who is like to God It was the fpeech of the Heath: n, when he was asked where his tr:eafure was, laid hee., Where Cyrus my friend is, that is, I reckon my friend my chicle treafure. i Ifay