Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

546 SER. II;. objrc`it, frnfn. The Cup of Dieting. is, any thing you fhall have by Chrift : you !hall have a Feali : What is this Looke what meat doth : meat is called a Raft; be- caufe it maintaines life; and fo Both this : it breeds and maintaines life, yea immortali life; as the food is of an i.mmortall nature, it is the bread of life. Againe, meat breeds firength; fo thisftiengthens you in the inward man, to do holy and fpirituall duties, as the corporali meat ,ftrengthens the outward man to labour and exercife. Againe, a Feaft breedes joy and cheerefulneffe; fo Both this. As the corporals feaft cheeses the heart and refrefh. s the fpirit fo if you would know what this feaft is, it is that which breeds and maintains Spirituali life, and ftrength and cheerfulnefle. You will fay, what is that d By indu Lion of particulars what is it nor; you fhall finde what it is. Firft, it is not that which continues you in a being, for thar:fones have, and yet are farte from having this life. Againe, It is not that which gives you vegetation and motion and fenfe, for that Beafts have, and they have not this life. Age ine, It is not the exercife of reafon, and under - ftanding; for that reprobates and Devils may have,yet dye the fecond death. What is it then t' It is that which breeds and maintaines, that holy a -d regenerate men live here,and which the Angels live in heaven for all eternity; that which breeds that life, for