Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Cup of Bleßin,. for you niult know that the foule that is within us,hath its food to feed on, as well as the body. The fouls hath its food: that is, wherefoever there is the Hidden Man, where there is the New man,the Hdden man of the heart, as S. Peter calls it, it mufl be fed as w:11 as the outward man ; it mutt have dinners,and fuppers,and break fafls; if there bee life, them it mutt have all this-: otherwife, what is chrilisf ying when he fail, I have other medte .0.111 4: that yolt =how not of : and what is Davids meaning when he ,faith e. Thy word is frveeter to mee than the bony or the homy combe. If it be not the foule,'the regenerate man within, is fed with a kind of food. And what is lets meaning, when hee faid e Idee found it better than his ap. pointed meales ; that is, he would let his body, fief ve it fhould want at 'call, rather that his fatilcflóuld be de, prived of the ordinary mete it íhould have. In this Cede c.svtarmna -is faid to bee the food óf Angels : why could/if:v *a be the food of Angels t If thele material' and fubflantiall foules and the Angels had not Come- what elfe to feed on: Manna was Angels food Angels' have not móuthes to Bate Manna, that fore it is not the corporal' Manna that is faid to be Angels foode. What then t' It was Chrill that was typified by (- Manna, as hee. faith, John 6 `' I am the tree Manna,' the true bread that lohn 6 came dorvnt from heaven : the fathers ate the fame l piri cull' mean 3 fó it was then the fpi rituall manna that was Angi ls' foijd ; and if Angels food, then the food of our foules, for our Joules and Angels feed alike. You will fay, yet cleare unto us further ìN hat this is. If we come to sate Angels food, you fháll 'finde in ,h,.F. 7 Iohn 6. Seeks not for the meate.that perifheth, but for the mrate 547