Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Cup of Rlefsng. II1.meate that endures for ever, faith Chrifi, which the fon of man (hall give you, for him hath God the father Pealed. Marke, Seeke the meate that endures for ever ; fo then there is another feaf},another meate; and if you would know what it is, this is one property, it is meare that endures for ever :that is, other men when they ear, the fweetnefl'e is g one as foone as they have eaten ; but the f weetneífe of this continues : that is, what profit have you had from hearing the word , what com- fort you have had from praying to G o n , from ferving God with a perfcd heart; thefe comforts con- tinue for ever. As twenty y cares after a matt may feele the fweetneffe ofa good Sermon, of a faithfull prayer, of a good worke, of ferving God with a perfect heart and a willing mincie I fay , many yeares after hee may find the fwectnefte. So that here the Glutton bath his with ; you know the Glutton witat that be bada long necke, that he might be long in rafting the fweet- nefle of his meat. I fay , here you may be long in ta- fling the fweetnelfe of it; for the fweetncf a of the meat continues beeres, and not the fweetnefe onely, but the flrength of it continues for ever. The fi:rength of other meat vani(heth in a day as the fwcetnefie is gone in a moment, but the ftrength of this endures for ever, and will make you live for ever.3 that is one property of this mear; leek this meat,for it endures for ever. Another you (hall finde in Efa. y S. This meat f tis . feth ; why doe you lay out filver and not for bread, and why doe you labour and are not fatis fed ; Come buy of me Wine and .&tilke, that yaumay befatisfred. Take other meat in the world, it cloth not fatis fie, I meare, peri(hing meat; outward things they doe not fatisfie: I Property of (piritu- all foode it endures for ever. Ifay SS.a a Srtisficth.