The Cup of [Rlelíng. 549 fatisfie : and therefore this is called a feaff , becaufe in a SE It.T II. feaft there are all forts of difhes, there is variety of dainties, there is nothing wanting : and fo he faith, if you corne home to Chrt/l ; the Souk fhal I have what foever it can delire, remiffion of fines, reconciliation with God, joy,peace, freed omefrom the fecund death, provifion, all things. In a word, as in a banquet, in a great Feaff, there i all forts of things ; you have fweet odours , you haw mufique, and all variety of difhes, all forts of wine : fo faith he, if you will corne home to Chriff, you fhall have all things that your heart can with or &fire. Now there is nothing in the world that can give fa- tisfaFlion to the foule, you (hall never have all things elfe ; but as Chrift faith, if you drinke of other w. ter, yeu J all thirfl opine ; this is that which fatisfieth, becaufe all other things are but particular. Health , you know , will ferve but againft ficknefi'e. Wealth and Profit will ferve but againft pover- ty. Credit and Honour will but ferve againft Dif grace. The foule is now of a greater latitude ; it is onely God univerfall goor, that can make a great Feaff to fatisfie it, hee onely can fill all the corners of the foul none can make a feaft to fatisfie the foule but onely t he Lord, becaufe hee is the univerfall good, hee fils the foule every way. Other things doe but weary , they fatisfie not; when a man bath all he can have, fomething more hee would have, though he know not what, I fay, there is i nothing can fatisfie but the Lord onely, it is hee that makes the Feat; and thence is that fpeech, Wl,y doe you Nn lay