Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

SGR. III. It is 3 conti nuali. The Cup of 13lefing. lay forth money , and not for bread ? Why doe you labour without being fatisfied? But yet there is one propertie more by which you (hall know what this fcafì is : it is a continuall Feaft : that is , is is not onely a feaft : but as I raid before,there is a continual' trat, acontinuall ftreame of comfort without interruption or intermìífion ; v1 good confei- ence i a continual) feat : that which is faid of a good confcience, may be faid of this Feaft that Chrift will make you. Other feafts be not continual) ;, the fweet- ncfle of one bit is gone , before another comes ; and when you Bate well and are fatisfied, you dcfire no more , you are glutted with it , and there is an end abut it is not fo here with this meare in this Feaft , be- caufe here both the appetite and the meat continue; therefore I fay it is a continual) ffeaft, becaufe both the appetite and the feaft continue they laft and endure: the ftomack and the feaft , the delire and the object ; that is , your drinking (hall not take away your thirft , and your thirft againe fhali not want drinke : and that is the meaning of that, Ephef. 5. i$. faith hee, Be not filledwith Wine , wherein is excel, but be filled with the spirit. Marke, the meaning of that is this, faith hce, if you tafle Wine and the fweetneffe of ir, in time you are fubjeét to exceffe ; when you drinke a little your thirst is gone, got further and there is exceffe. But now come to fpirituall things, your deliire con- tinues ; íá1l there is thirft, and (till there is drinke; you (hall (till have a ftrong appetite; and you (hall í1i11 have meat, one takes not away another, there is a continuall feai , and therefore be not filled with wine wherein is cxccffc : that is ,the pleafure of it is (bone gone ; but bee filled