Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Cup of !leßing. 55' filled with the Spirit that (hall refrefh you, more than SER.III. any cups of Sack, than any flagons of Wine. I fay,this comfort you (hall have , that this feaft (hall continue with you. When ficknefl^ecomes, what will other things doe us good a Take all the comforts in the world , they admit interruption. If a man live in aboundance of all things, yet in many; cafes there re many troubles, wherein wee (hall have no comfort from thefe, but this feet (hall continue with you, it (hall lye downe with you; it (hall goe with you to your tick beds, and there a good canfcience will bee a continual! feat} ; it will goe to prifon with you, and there it will refrefh you; it wil pafï'e with you through ill and good report, and there it will comfort you ; it leaves you not in death, but there and in all changes of this life , it (hall be with you to refrefh you , and to cheere your fpirits more than any Cordiali : this you (hall have by Chria if you will take him , fuch a feaft hee will make you. 'But You will fay , wee finde no fuch thing, wee eg. finde no fuch fweetnef e in Chr¡ft. It is becaufe you are not hungry. Coyne and tell zÍn fi,, fuch an one as caul was , of fuch a banquet ; oh how acceptable would it be ! Come and tell a dying man that hach feitthe bittern(ffe of finne , the fierceneífc of Gods wrath, fuch a man would come as an hungry man to it, to fuch a man it wouldbe meare and drinke indeed; and fo it would be to you if you were hungry. Where there is a great dole made , the poore come, thofe that are hungry come : fo the poore receive the Gofpel,thofe that are hungry wil come,andto thofe it is a feaft. And therefore as Chrift concludes his Sermon, N n 2 when