Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

Ben fit. apparel!. Cup of ?le /inn. when hee had fpóken of things belonging to the Spirit, things belonging to eternall life, faith he there, fie that bath an care to heave , let him heave : as if hee should fay, we propound to you there things, but if there be not a heart within., if there bee not an care to heare, all our labour is loft : So I fay , except you have that tail, that you tafle how bountiful) the Lord is, and what a feaff Chrift hail prepared for you ; all our labour is to no purpofe. But is this all wee (hall have by Chrift e Sure here is much ; you (hall have a Kingdome, you flail have riches , you (hall have a fea(f, I will adde but one. You (hall have gorgeous apparel] ; a thing that wee prize to be fornewhat, out of the weakneffe of our flefh fo trifling is that : yet becaufe we prizeit, it pleafeth God to fet forth the glorious condition wee have by Chrift under this notion. In the fecond of the Beve. lation, I will cloath you with white raiment; and Rev. 3.2. 7o him that overcommeth will I give the morning-flare: Buy of me white garments to cover your nakednejje : Sol fay, ifyouwillcome into Chriff,youlhali havegorge- ous appareil ; now every man naturally feekes force' excellency in one kind or other. Now what is fo excellent as this a To have the image of God renewed in us: that excells others, as the beauty of the morning- fiarr excells others. This you (hall have by Chrift , you (hall have your foules cloa- thed with beauty, you (hall have them adcrned with Rubies and Saphires, that is. with all the fhining gra- ces of the Spirit ; you (hall be juflified; thatis, you (hall be wafhed , you !hall be fandlifìed, fo fhall all the Saints