Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Cup of Ble nz. 513 Saints bee clad , fo (hall all the Saints be cloathed that Small. will come home to Chrift. But you will fay , tell us in plainer tearmes what this cloathing is. This white array , partly is a fgne of the dignity which you have by Chrift ; as Kingsin ancient time were wont to be cloathed wirh white appareil on fo- lemne times, which was a f gne that they were Kings. Againe, as 7ertollian reports ; Servants were wont to weare white array when they were fet at liberty , in token of manu-miffion ;fo it is a token of the freedome you have by Chrift. Againe,Chriftians,as Tertullian reports,were wont to weare white array all Eafter wecke . in token of the fincerity that Paul bids us keep the Paffeover with. So a cor.a when he faith,you (hall be cloathed with white array ; the meaning is,you (hall have the dignity of Kings, the freedome of fervants that are fet at liberty ; you (hall have fincerity given you 5 you (hall have in a word whatfoever mayadorne the foule. I will not hold you long. This cloathing ofthe foule (lands in two things. Inluftification; And Santification. There is a cloathing of Iuflification, that you (hall have,ifyou come in to Chrift. Fírft, we are Paid to put on the Lord Iefus , that is, you 111111 come cloathed with him ; and when you come cloathed with Chrift , come and welcome ; as you know Iaceb got theblefiing when hee came in his brothers-cloaths. In Revelati ©n 12.7. there is mention of a woman cloathed with the Sunne : what is that' N n 3 every