The Cup of Die pug. every man by nature is vile and bale and mii erable but when hee is cloathed with Chrift, hee is like one cloathed with the Sunne. Now you know the Sun is a molt glorious crea- ture ; of all the creatures that God bath made, that when hee would chufe a creature, that was the molt glorious that our eyes have feene , he pitcheth on that and fuch are wee when wee are cloathed with Chrifl that is , God lookes onus , as on men that are as glo rious as the Sun in his brightnefle ; and thisyou (hall have by Chriff. But is this all e No : though it were all,it were much becaufe by this wee may bee admitted to the prefence ofthe Lord: without it you cannot. But this is not all ; you (hall be cloathed likewife with the graces of Sanctification; that is , when you come to CHRIST, that (hall bee verified , which David faith of Said ; oh you daugh- ters of lerufalem tveepe for said ; he cloathed you with Scarlet, and hung ornaments of gold on your appa- rell: I fay , C H R i s r cloaths the foule with Scarlet. pf 1.45.13. The fulegoethcloatbed inimbroideredgold, in garments of needle- tvorke ; that is , when the Lord comes to a faule, hee comes as a King of glory ; o- cher Kings bring their glory with them , and when they goe they take it with them ; but when C HR IS T comes to the foule, hee makes it a glorious houle for himfelfe to dwell there : the materiali Temple that was fo [tately and fo glorious ; the Temple of the Iewes, you know it was but a type ofthe Temple of the Holy Ghoft; that is , of the foule of a Chriflian ; for indeed, thofe are the Temples wherein the Lord delights to dwell