Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Cup of 3lef,ing. dwell : it is certaine, that Salomon in 411 his royalty ryas Ss RJII, not cloathed like one o f t h e fi : for (hall C H R I S T s ç power bee leífe in grace than it was in nature e Hee that cloatbes the Lillies, Mall bee not cloath his fervants withy beauty ? and confider this , that this is not a (mall mat_ ter to bee thus cloathed. The great Go D of Heaven and Earth, and not G o D onely, but holy and wife Men that are able to fee through thefe trappings, regard not what cloathing the body hath, but they Tooke how mens foules goe apparelled. I fay, C H R I S T will thus appareil the foules of all thofe that come into Him : that as v4arm had all variety of precious Pearles , of gorgeous appa- rell f u c h Priefts will C H R I S T make every one to G o D his Father : and therefore if you will come in to C H R I S T ; this wee can promi(e , you (hall put on the Lord lefus;you fhallput on the Sun. Againe , you (hall bee cloathed with Diamonds, that is, with all the (pining graces ofthe Spirit. And now what will you doe when you come to a rich Wardrobe , for f u c h is C H R i s r to us, there you may fute your (elves from top to toe. : You reckon it undecent , for a man to weare force part of his appareil rich and precious:,: when other parts are bafe, and old , and ragged : why,- doe you not doe this with your . foules e why doe yöu fuller your foules to goe ragged as it.were., :to bee fo.une:, qually, lo unreverently clad a It may bee thou haft the grace of bounty , but not of chaflity ; it may bee thou haft the grace ofgoverning thy hands ,.:but not df% governing thy tongue:, it May bee titou:haftthe.gradéj' to fpeake well, but non to pray fervently :. there is fore 555