Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

556 SER. lH. The Cup of 13lef3ing. force unevennefï'e in the cloathing of thy foule. W hat wilt thou doe then r Goe to C H R I S T ; there is change of raiment: that is, there is garments of all forts to cover thy na- kednefe and to adorne thy foule : all thefe things you thall have by C H R I S T; you (hall have a kingdome, you (hall have riches , you shall have a Raft, you ¡hall bee cloathed with white array. Soyou have feene now, the fecond confeh}ary that rifeth from this Dodtrine, wherein wee are exhorted to take C H R I s T , to invite us to it : wee have thew. ed you your mifery out of him , the happinel a you (hall have by him. Now there remaines no more , but that you bee content to come in and take him and ferve him for the future ; fo you may have him : therefore what (hould hinder you , why doe you not come in and take CHRIST:' Onely you mutt know this , that you mutt take him for your Matter, foss to ferve no other Matter; you mutt take him for your husband , fo as to bee di- vorced from all other lovers: for this know., that C H R I S T and good fellowthip, that C H R I S T and fornication,C x R is T and fwearing,C H R I s r and, ambition, C H R t s T and ferving your (elves and the times will not Rand together, youmull bee divorced f r o m all thefe : if you will have C H R I S T you mull take him as a Husband, to be tohimalove, tolove him , to have your wills fubjeet to his will, you mull cake him for better,for worfe ; you mull take himwith all variety of conditions, denying your felves and take - ing up your croffe and following him; if you take him t hus