Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The -Cup of Bleßing. thus you (hall have him, and when you (hall have him, you fhall have all things with him. As C H R r sr faith to his Father, wee are one, thou in mee , and I in thee ; and then all mine are thine and thine are mine. So wee may fay every one that rakes C R a i s r , is made one with him all C H R I S T S is yours, and yours is his; that is,hee takes your names, bee takes your debts, and you beare his name, and have intereft in all that is his ; what bee hash by nature, you have by grace ; and when you have him once , then you may bee bold to come and take there Elements of Bread and Wine : but if you have not him , then know that you are but intruders upon the L o R D s Table;for his Table is provided for his friends, and if his enemies and firangers come in , and intrude on ir, bee will not take it at your hands , but command you to bee bound hand and foot and to bee raft out: I fay, confider there. fore, the offers of .0 x R a s T are large ; you that are to receive the Sacrament at this time, or at any other time, I fay, confider it ; if you have C H R i s T him. felfe, then you may boldly come ; if you have not the L o R D you have nothing to doe with thelè. And know,if it wasiuch a fearefull thing to touch the Arke, which was but a type of C x a i s r, and had but a legal holineffe in it,tha.. God flruck Yzziab with death, becaufe hee was fo bold as to doe it. Ifit were fo dan- gerous a thing to meddle with common fire, as wee fee in Nadas and c4b1hra, that was but a type of this ; what will it bee, when we (hall dare to take the body of the L o R e I a s u s, not being worthily prepa- red a Hee is the fubftance, there is the holineffe of which that was but a type; therefore take heed of med. ®o ling