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38 SERM.I L Iohn 3.6. Rom.7. i 8. Gen,6. q. All things. in mans nature corrupted.. Ptzlc.1a. That the Nature pf man is full of nature is full of all unrighteoufneffe and ungodlincffe. Firtt,I fay,confider your originali fin, and the gene. rail corruption of your nature thereby, /oho 3.6. Whatfoever is borne of pp), is flefh. And Rom. 7. i 8. I know that in me (that is in my flefh) dwelleth no good thing. Marke that, hee layes no good thing. Wee thinke we have fomething that is good, for all our general! corruption, but there is nothing good at all. As Gal. 3.22. The Scripteere hAth concluded all under flume : Not only all men, but (for the word is in the iieurer Gender) all things. Therefore in Gen.6. 5. he doth not only fay, The frame of a Mans heart is evil!, but it is only evill, and alway evill. In all adions, at all rimes. This is a common Truth, but men confi- der not of it, they thinke there is fome goodneflè in them, they will not be perfwaded of this Truth in good earneft. And therefore when a man comes in. to the Rate of Grace, it is not mending two or three things that are amif e., it is not repairing of an old houfe,but all muff be taken down,and be built anew, you muff be New Creatures. And therefore G o n promifes, I will give you anew heart, and a new fpirit : IFor all is out of order,and nothing good. And there i is an equity in this ; for, as in Pfal.49, z 2. Man being in honour abiaeth nor, but is like the beafis that perifh : 1 That is, as G o D raifed man above Himfelfe,giving him fupernaturall glory, in which bee was created (for he was created in holineffe, and perfect righte- oufnefi'e) fo man got keeping this condition, he was calf beneath himfelfe. And in this there is equity, that being railed above himfelfe, having an holineffe given him tranfcending common nature, hee fhould now