Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Table. Fit. W hat Fits us for mercy, 3, 491 Firft fruits. Two things in Firft- fruits, 2, 3 97 Spiritual) things wee have in the F1-fruits, 2, 464 Fire. Fire from Heaven to be cherithed, 2, 42 7 FleJb. To eat Chrifts Flejh, what,2,435 Food. Properties of fpiritual food,3,548 Forget. Memory corrupt in tint wee ought to Forget, 1,5o Men choake the truth when they labour to Forget ir, 1,,18 8 Forgiveneffe. Forgivenf fe of fins,how it makes blefled,, 2s 440 Confirmation in the affurance of Forgiveneffe, 3, 488 Formality. Formality argues want of zeale, 2, 267 Free. The werke of the Spirit Free, 2, 367 Fruit. Hypocrites bring not forth Fruit, 2, 397 Wearineffe in the Fruit of fnne, 3 Fulne ff e. Fulne a refervedfor Heaven, 2, 465 Future. Helpes to minde Future things, 2, 465 G Gifts. COmmon Gifts men, Giving. Giving, what, glory. Tranfubftantiation againft Gods Glory, 3,480 Glory appeared in Chrifts humili- ation, 7b- Glory,one benefit by Chrifi,3,5 37 God. The law of mans jugdement ma- nifelled by god, 2,166,167 None can doe good and evil) but God, 1, 242 If the creature could doe it, it were God, 1, 243 In all things to loöke to God, 1, 249 Every fihne fets up another God,,. 1,26o Converfion of the heart proper to God, 2, 403, New Creature the works of God, 2,407 The praife of all good to be given to God, 2,418 God, how bee is made ours, 2, 442 Sinne drives the Saints neerer to God, 2, 455 See portion. Good in nattarall I, 140 2;427