Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Table. Mediator. Why God hath appointed us fuch a Mediator as ChriIt,;, 172 Memory. Memory,. corruption of it in two things, _ 1,49 Mercy. Mercy of God, the greatneffe of it, 3)4-9-1 Mercy, to whom it is (hewed, .3,491, 519 Metaphor. . Metaphors ufed in the. - Sacra. merits of the old Law, 3,,478 _ . tAfinilfery.. Miiiflery to be advanced, I, 275 1l4ä(ry. Our. Mfery out of Chrill, z, 432 Forgiveneífe of fumes takes away the caufe ofMifery, 2, 441 See ei4pprehenflon. Mora venues. Moran venues nothing without change of Nature, 2,369 N Xdied. O Vt of Chrill we are Naked, 2,457 To be 71ked, what, 2, 460. Nature. Mans Nature ful ofungodlineffe, 1, 3, 32 All in mail s.Nature corrupt, r , 3 8 B.adneffe of Wature aggravates finne, 1394 Men by 2 , ture, how farre they may got 1039 Flaw farre men by ,Nature fall fhorr, 1041 God made manifeff by the light ofNature, I, 167 Sinne ,exculed fromcorruption of Nature, I, 26, 207 What keepes men in the_llate of Nature, 1,22/ Converfion of men are turning the courfe ofNature, 2)2'89 More than Tjature required in the New Creature, 2, 360 Thole that are in Chrif} bare ano- ther Nature,., .2,3 63 Not _to be content without a new Nature, 2, 3 6 Two things in a new Nature; 2, Naturall. (3.76 When a thing is faid tobeNatx- rail, 2, 364 Good duties mull be Naturall to us; 2.,.332 Neceffity. No Necefty of tranfubflantiati- on, 3475 Need, Riches.helpe in time of Need, s, Negle.11. (45 9 Negfeíl keepes men from Chrill, I, II Neglea in ferving of God, 1,238 Net. Gofpell a Net, 1, 21 New Creature. New Creature, the excellency of it, 2,312 New Creature,fignta of it, z , 322 2Vew