Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Table. New Creature, what, 2,3 32 New Creature, the parts of it, 2, 354 NewCreature required, .2,5 2 8 IKobleneffe. The Spirit we rkes 21oblene f fe of fpirit, 2,468 Number. Confideration of the Vlember of forner fins, helpes humiliation, 1, 25 O Oath. Tile Covenant confirmed with an Oath, 2,3©t Objefí. Faculties knowne by their 06- jeft, 2, 328 O6jefíion. O6jeaion of Papifts out of f ehn 6 concerning eating Chrifts flefh anfwered, 3,50I' Offices. Offices óf Chri(i goe together, 2, 299 Offices of Chrift to be improved, 2e 437 Old. Oldman, what, 2,346 Old man mua be mortified, 2,353 Old nature to be abhorred, 2,37 8 Old cuftome wee are redeemed from, 2, 3 g All that is Old muff bee pulled downe, 2, 3 89 Grace takes not awaynature, but the Oldncle of it, 2,391 Omi(fion. Sinnes of Omion, z, 68 Omif ion of a ts, lb. Omifon of graces, 1, 69 0 milfi on ofoccations, 7o Opinion. Opinion advanceth the Creature in our thoughts, t, 247 Originall /in. Origirall fin, 1,37 Originall /in, how it is one finne and many, z, 39. How it is privative and potitive, Ib. Ai twall finne leads us to Original Other. 0,95 Sinne excufed from the badneffe of Others, z, 98 Succefle of others with G o D fhould encourage us, 2, 305 3, 491 Outward. Men fare not the worfe in Out- ward things for ho.lineffe,'2,317 Overcome. To Overcome, whit, 3, 5 36 Parent:. N Ature received from Parents 2, 3 64 Popover. feover. Pa f feover, why eaten with fowre herbes, 1, 23 Peace. Peace one benefit by Chrifi, 3, Pearle. 6 Zealous men'Pearles, z,í66 ?erfonall