Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

The Table. .,01.1... Treafsre. Gods wrath a Treafiere, 2 25 3 Trull. Trull in God, th;I nature of ir, I, Truth. (239 Truth with -held in unrighteouf- nef e, I, 116, I 6s Truth, what : 1,11 7,166 Truth the fubjea of ir, i, 118 Truth, the Author of it, i, 119 Truth, the exte.7t of it, i z o Truth ,how it is with- held,1,121 Truth, why Men imprifon it, I, I22 Truth, imprifoned a great finne, I.I15 Truth, how with -held, a, ;51 Truth fhould rule, 2,155 Truth, the danger of reliraining it, I, 156 Truth, the benefit of giving it Ii- berty. I, I Truth, manifef}ed foure wayes, r, 164 Truth, the heinoufnefïe of finnes againft it, I I70 Truth, to be thankful! for it, 1,176 Truth, to doe nothing againit it, 1, 178 Seven cafes of detaining the Truth, I, 18o Truth fhould be communicated to other : 1,192 Happineffe and mifery attend negle& or obferving the Truth, 7,197 Want of courage for the Truth, , --=--- ihewes want ofzealee, I 260 V Vuine. - GOds Name taken in value, how, 1,17i Vanity. Vanity of Mans underltanding Violence. (1,40 Mumbled Men take Heaven by Violence, I, 15 To take Heaven by Violence what, Vnevenneffe. (1Ib, V novenne f fe in the belt Men, 2, Vnevenne fe in Saints and others different, 2) 393 Vnbeleefe. Vnbeleefe keepes from Chrilt, i, Io Vngodlinefe. See Nature. Vniverfality. Yniverfality ofthe new Creature, Union. (2,324 Vnion with Chrilt, the neernefl'e, of it, 2,428 Vnion with Chrilt, of what mo- ment; 2, Ib. Onion with Chrif, to be encrea- fed, 2,431 ynion with Chrilt how encrea- fed, 2) 432 Onion with Chrilt to be fought after, é, 43 8 ynion with Chrifl, the end of the Sacrament, 3, 476 T"nwtaried. That which is natural! rtnom- ried