Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

-----341.e*1. The Epiftle Dedicatory. der him, i, ihej; 3.8.11e lives if they ¡and faff in the Lord. Among whom , as you had a greater intimacy:,o f all the nearell , not of a Pupill, 64.t ofa Bofors-friend , and contimsall. Companion , and therein a longer time : fo have you.anfwered it, a then in love and Refpeil unto him, fo. fiince in a proportionable and happy .ináproovement of what you did Receive. And therefore , as we conceived , it would ;be a derogation incurious to your candid and ingenious difpofation , to thinke you unwilling to be put in mind ofhim, by whore Religious care you were fo often put in mind of God,andof your retire,: So al- l-Oa?) unworthy andungratfull eq.-ref-pea, to have omitted the infcription of your name; efpeci ally by us , who long have beene and are Your loving and obliged friends> Thomas Goodwin, Thoma Ball.