I 'gire* :,[t S9EaL Cdi a fol-IN 18. .a.g. 2 lea-eci, 444 ;Idra t' A G. l* For phraim., had net thePaffioverstherwife Hezekiah pardon That Lord according o. .4ndthe led the ' ' ;, ,. .. _ hail e+afa cÿA *Tip cSa c,?.a *To aYba etafa e.ia .s-Tes r.ntrsuar , r r ay.L 1C1C_ JL" ZC 2 1 a bp YvS ' 1A ae',¡ÿ q7 + CW1fJ (WF t. . `St¿;¿"a6i,7i GG`G' a4 ^ L t y,ld Ai... G ,Ey. JÉ_' ,3i1u 1 ea bTü 4T e e ala rr¡b- R w N . S Br PRESTOI\? DO&pi of Divinity. 2. Chron. 3o. 18, 1900. . a Multitudeofthe people, even many of E- and Manafíèh, Iffachar, and Zebulon, cleancd themfelves ; yet did they eate than, itsvae written, but prayed for tkcm faying, the good Lord l every one. prepareth his heart to peke God : The God ofhisFathers,though he he net cleanfed to the ppKrifrcation of the Sancivarye, Lord harknedtoHezekiah, and hea- people. ' Pon the occafion` of' thefewords was the illegality offome reforters to the %' Paffeover at this T'irt2e, for this fo- lemneDtltyhav'íngbeene long neg- by occafion of the negligence offormer B Governors: