Preston - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.P74 S2 1637

10, The Saints Infirmities. Governors : Hezekiab fends his mefrengers not onely into ¡kda,but alto jaw into i(rael,to aflém- ble them,ifit were poflible,unto this great Solem- nity,whir_h was effe &ed with various fuccefié, for in. Come places they were cntertain!d with fcoffes; in others , with great readinefre to fubinit them- felves unto this Sacred ordinance; hut the war - ning being fhort,& jonrny long,there were many wanted legal! cleanfing riezekiab Peeing the promptnes of the people, & that in the fubflance of the Duty they had not failed, puts up this Prayer to almighty God,in their behalfe. In which Prayer we 'lave thefe three things to be confidered, and underflood. I. The f;bflance ofir, which was, that God would pardon,or be merciful!. 2. The Perlons for whom he made,it,and they are dcfcribed two waies. T. From the preparation oftheir foules and in- ward man,they prepared their whole hearts. :.From the imperfalions oftheir outward and legal! preparations,they were not cleanfed accor- ding to the purification of the San &nary. 3. The fucceflè and iffue that it had,which was the healing of the peopie,thatis,God blefhed that ordinance ofhis for the removal of that outward guilt,contra &ed by thole ceremonial) negle&s,or otherwife, & fcr the f frengthning of their foules in grace and holineffe, and for the curing oftheir outward eflate,which lay open at this time to ma- ny preflUres and calamities on every fide. The points of Do&rine might be many that would hence