The Saints Infirmities. 3, hence a .rife, but we doe purpofe onely to handle two. I. That in all the parts of publicke worinip and performances, the Lord efpecially requires and experts the heart be right;he would have nothings wanting, but ofall the reft he would not have the heart imperfe .t,or defettive,the good Lord(faies; this good King) be mercifull to every one that prepare th his whole heart to feeke the Lord God ofhis fathers,though he be not cleanfed, that is, though he be in other things imperfe&and defe- Dole, i. &ive : So Solomon,this good Kings predecefíor, Prov.4.3 3. Keep thy heart with alldiligence, thy fiat is not to be negleered,Eccl. 5.1.but to be kept, but not with fo much care and,circumfpe&ion as the heart,that part -mutt not bew iting,what ever other parts were;and therefore ifany were in this defe9ive,Hezekiah praies not for them. i. Becaufe the heart is that which Cod himfelfe'Reaf dooth molt delight in,no duty can be well perfor- 1 rued wereGodhimfelfe doth not vouchfafe his prefence and afiiftance.Heb. r 3.15. By him therfore let us offer theSacrifce of praife to God continually, that is,by his afiìítance and gracious prefènce,but 1 where there is not a'heart ro receive and entertain 1. God in,he never wil,nór doth affordhis prefence. Eft .66. r,a,Heaven is my throne, and the earth my foot f oole, &c.But to this man will I look,even ro him that is poore, and of a cont rite hearr,accor- ding ro that of the Pfa. 51. a 7.74e sacrifices of God are a broken fpirit: a broken and contrite heart, &c. Though to the eye of men it may feeme a 13 2 defpicable